Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CColorColor struct
 CConfigurationYAML-based configuration reader
 CNodeConfig node
 CexceptionAllofw exception class
 Cinvalid_argumentInvalid argument exception
 Cnon_copyableInherit this to make a class non-copyable
 Cnot_implemented_yetNot implemented exception
 Cnot_supportedNot supported exception
 COmniStereoClass for Omnistereo rendering
 CCompositeInfoComposite info structure
 CDelegateOmniStereo delegate class
 CCaptureInfoCapture info
 CStereoTexturePanorama is cubemap
 CWarpBlendWarp and blend information for a display configuration
 CBlendDataBlend map data
 CViewportInfoViewport information
 CWarpDataWarp map data