▼Nallofw | |
CByteStream | |
CColor | Color struct |
▼CConfiguration | YAML-based configuration reader |
CNode | Config node |
Cexception | Allofw exception class |
CGraphicalBackend | |
▼CGraphicalContext2D | |
CState | |
CGraphicalContext3D | |
Cinvalid_argument | Invalid argument exception |
Cio_error | |
CLogger | |
CLoggerFactory | |
CLoggerScope | |
CMatrix3_ | |
CMatrix4_ | |
Cnon_copyable | Inherit this to make a class non-copyable |
Cnot_implemented_yet | Not implemented exception |
Cnot_supported | Not supported exception |
▼COmniStereo | Class for Omnistereo rendering |
CCompositeInfo | Composite info structure |
▼CDelegate | OmniStereo delegate class |
CCaptureInfo | Capture info |
CStereoTexture | Panorama is cubemap |
▼COpenGLWindow | |
CDelegate | |
CHint | |
CPaint2D | |
CPath2D | |
CPose | |
CQuaternion_ | |
CRectangle2_ | |
CRectangle3_ | |
CScopedLogger | |
CSurface2D | |
CVector2_ | |
CVector3_ | |
CVector4_ | |
CVideoSurface2D | |
▼CWarpBlend | Warp and blend information for a display configuration |
CBlendData | Blend map data |
CViewportInfo | Viewport information |
CWarpData | Warp map data |